Thursday 19 July 2012

My Apartment

Last weekend I moved into my apartment.  It is a one bedroom "garden" apartment (meaning ground floor) in a gated complex.  It seems that most apartments here are low rise in gated and secure complexes.  There is a 24 hour security guard who lets visitors in, plus I have a remote for the resident entrance gate and exit gate. 

My apartment includes my bedroom, living room, kitchen, and bathroom.  I also have a very nice patio area and garden (aka yard, nothing is growing there besides grass and a few shrubberies at the moment).  Most of my furniture (and furnishings) I've borrowed from my very generous employers.  Except the fridge, that's all mine. 

My bedroom

My bathroom, with bathroom and shower

Living room

Living room and kitchen


Patio and garden (aka yard)


  1. Your apartment looks super cute! You have a really nice patio/garden ;) Are you going to grow anything?

  2. Thanks! I'm not sure if I'll be growing anything in the garden part of the yard. I've never grown anything before. I guess we'll see how I'm feeling when spring comes!

  3. Sweet digs my favorite first year! WAYYYYYY better than where you were living at WMU! Moving on up =) Miss you and hope all is well.

    1. Haha my poor campus apartment :( But you're right, this is way better and way newer. Miss you too!
