Monday 29 April 2013


On Saturday, Elaine and I went down to Newtown to walk around a little and to see MuseumAfrica.  When we arrived we walked through a little market.  Elaine bought some incense and frames and I was very very tempted to buy a necklace with a picture of Leonardo DiCaprio circa The Man in the Iron Mask on it (oh and of course "Leo DiCaprio" written on it as well), but I didn't.  I only slightly regret it. We then headed over to the museum but a stage was being set up in the square in front of the museum.  The guys guarding the gate didn't really know what it was for, but they told us the museum was closed.  So we continued walking around by the Market Theatre when a man from the museum ran up to get us and told us the museum was actually open!  It was very nice of him, especially considering the museum doesn't even charge an entrance fee.  So, nice people exist in downtown Joburg after all!  (Please note: This was only my second time downtown.  I've been with Elaine both times because I'm a bit nervous about going by myself.  I haven't had any bad experiences but I've heard about a few so I'm cautious).

The museum was interesting.  It wasn't completely full and sometimes looked like they didn't know what to do with all the things in their collection.  However, there were some very nice exhibits as well.  The most powerful exhibit there was the replication of shacks from an informal settlement.  The size and the darkness inside the shacks was so sad.  I drive by them every day but you don't always think about how people actually live there and call those shacks their home.  It makes you appreciate how lucky you really are.  Another exhibit I liked was the perspectives of eight homosexual and transgender people in Joburg and their experiences here.  As Elaine and I were talking about, South Africa was one of the first countries to legalize gay marriage yet there are still many people in the country who don't approve of same-sex relationships whatsoever.  It's a very strange situation here.  Another great thing at the museum was a temporary exhibit of ceramic art on display and for sale.  There were some really beautiful pieces.  Overall, another successful visit downtown.

Informal settlement (from Google Images)

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