Tuesday 11 June 2013

Farewell Party and Gold Reef City

This past weekend I went to a farewell party with all my students and parents.  It was great to hang out with them all again before I have to leave.  Also I got some really nice presents which was unexpected!  All of them were very thoughtful, but I especially love the poster of all the kids' school photos taken in April.  It's rolled up right now for transport so I can't post it, but maybe when I get home.  I also loved the book full of pictures that all the kids drew for me, including a letter written by one of my students.  He hates writing but he wrote a whole page!  So cute!  It was a wonderful party and I'm going to miss them all so much, including the parents.

On Sunday, I finally made it to the Joburg theme park Gold Reef City.  It was actually quite a nice theme park, even though some of the big rides were closed.  Also, winter decided to come to Johannesburg on Sunday, which was quite unexpected (well not unexpected given the time of year, just sudden).  Roz and I went on a water ride, expecting not to get too wet, but we got wet, especially Roz.  And we stayed that way for the rest of the day and now we both have colds.  Anyway, it was worth it!  After that we went on a couple of spinny rides.  Apparently my inner ear is not what it used to be.  I blame my dad.  He never goes on any rides and when I was younger I thought "Why? Are you crazy?", now I understand.  So, I wasn't sick, but we didn't go on any more rides.  Instead we walked through the petting zoo, looked at the old miners' houses and pictures from the mines, and went to a snake show.  I was picked as a volunteer and the handler put a Burmese python on me.  I was actually kind of expecting it so it wasn't too scary.  I would have been a lot more afraid if he put a spider or scorpion on me like he did with the kids.

Overall, it was a great last weekend in Johannesburg.  Rachel arrives next Sunday morning and from there we'll be traveling around until we leave on July 4th.  I may or may not be able to update between now and then.  If not, I'll write about our travels when we get back to Ottawa and then my Jo'Blog will be finished!

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