I didn't really do anything very South African this weekend, so this blog will just be about some things in South Africa that I've found interesting or slightly creepy!
First off, plugs. Before coming here, I spent quite a while trying to search for South African plug converters. Apparently it is one of very few countries that use this type of plug. Also, another confusing thing is that they actually have two types of plugs, plus occasionally also use European and American plugs (for things only produced in those countries I suppose). So, inevitably, my outlet areas always look very messy. One thing I love about their outlets though is that they have switches for them, so if you want to save power, you can easily just flip the switch. However, it is strange that even though it's easier to save power, it is much harder to recycle here. No one ever comes to pick up recycling at any residential buildings. If you would like to recycle, you need to bring your recycling to a gas (petrol) station or grocery store and separate it there in to plastic, glass, paper, and tin (no bottle or can return unfortunately).
Notice the three different plug types in the power bar, my American plug converter, and the switches |
And now onto the bugs. While walking to my car the other morning, I noticed a dying bug near my neighbour's door. I took a picture because I had some suspicions that it might be a Parktown prawn, and on closer inspection, I believe that it was. Strange thing is that last night, I saw a live prawn in the exact same spot. They're pretty cool looking bugs, but I'm really really hoping I never see one in my apartment... or anywhere near where I have to be for an extended period of time. What makes this bug extra cool though is that the aliens ("prawns") in District 9 are actually based on this prawn and the reason why they are named as such.
Dying prawn |
Fookin' prawn!